Friday, September 27, 2013

I Believe in Kindermusik.

Normally, I reserve Friday posts for FOL statements.  FOLs, or Foundations of Learning, are the highly researched and tested reasons for why we do the things we do in Kindermusik. Sure, everything is fun and children enjoy it, but as a teacher and a parent, my main concern is their emotional, social, physical, cognitive, literacy and creativity development. We care about the wellness of the whole child and design our classes accordingly. But today, as I prepared for tomorrow's open house and demonstration, I felt I owe you, the readers, my Kindermusik story: the reasons I believe wholeheartedly in the benefits of Kindermusik.

My family became a Kindermusik family when my daughter was almost 2 years old.  At that time, I never thought I would eventually be the teacher.  I was looking for something to do with her and was hoping it could be music-centered.  I saw a commercial for Kindermusik while I was pregnant and complained that all the good things were in bigger cities while nothing that wonderful could be in tiny Tuscarawas County.  A year later, I learned it was already here, and had been for a while.  Better still, Kindermusik was taught by my college sorority big sister whom I had recently learned lived in the same tiny town as me.  What were the odds?  I knew it was fate and I had to enroll.

Kindermusik was everything I had hoped it would be.  My daughter loved it.  She made friends.  I made friends.  It was so much fun and I learned a lot about her developmental needs.  Every curriculum has its own set of home materials which give parents the ability to recreate the classroom experience at home.  Kindermusik, every day, at home.  After all, the parents are the first and most important teachers in a child's life.

Within a few days, I noticed my daughter was learning the songs and tapping rhythms on the table, her dining chair, and anything she could her hands on.  As she grew, she began "teaching" Kindermusik to her stuffed animals, newborn twin brothers, and our dog.  She developed amazing language and literacy skills.  She could read and create her own stories by age 3. By four years old, she was adding small numbers.  Kindermusik helped prepare her for preschool and kindergarten and for more specialized music education, like piano lessons.

Friends, I cannot fully express my love for Kindermusik.  When our teacher, Miss Leslie decided to stop teaching, she asked me to consider taking over.  She hoped Kindermusik would continue to be offered in Tuscarawas County. I felt in my heart it was the right thing for me, my family, and certainly our community.  There is place in Tuscarawas County for Kindermusik. Come, see for yourself why 2 million families, worldwide, have chosen Kindermusik. Join me at my Open House and Demonstration today at 10am at the Tunnel Hill Community Center, 112 E. Maple Street, Stone Creek, Ohio.  OR, call to schedule your free preview class,  (330) 265-3027.  You can also request a preview class via email @ or by visiting Kindermusik International's website

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